I CARE team of volunteers took part in ‘I’m Iraqi. I read’ education day which was held in Baghdad , Abu Noa’as Street. The idea is to raise awareness in the community about the importance of reading and enjoying reading together. Our team of ICARE volunteers set up a station and hosted several activities including hand/face painiting, Oral and general health education speeches to the public and distribution of health information brochures. Our team networked with some of Iraq's important personalities who showed an eagerness to know about I CARE and willingness to attend our event and support our activities. Examples include Mrs. Saffya Suhail, a member in the Iraqi parliament and the general Hussien Al Awadi, a Federal police chief who were also very attracted by our work and offered their help and support. Falah Al Thahabi ,the Chairman of Alhurra Iraq T.V channel in Iraq who was very welcoming and supporting, Mrs. Hana'a Edward an activist in NGOs. Many TV channels were covering the event ,some of the volunteers have been interviewed on t.v and talked our activity. Dr. Shahad Al-Ebadi I CARE's regional director in Iraq took fifteen minutes on stage to talk about I CARE, our story, goals and projects with some videos and data show presentation. It was a very nice activity that showed us team spirit and made more people know that we really CARE! Special thanks to the volunteers in " I'm Iraqi , I read " project for their support to I CARE charity and alllowing them to participate in the event .

"The power of "WE" is the understanding that a piece of string will
never be as strong as a piece of rope made up of many strings.
By working together we can create change. If you substitute I for WE,
ICARE becomes WE Care and Illness becomes WEllness".​