SPECIAL NEEDS EVENT: Distributing Wheel Chairs
Thanks to your support and generosity ICARE was able to successfull host our first charity event focused on Children with Special Needs and disabilities. 50 of our young ICARE volunteers worked tirelessly around the clock to organise and host the event which took place at Hamzah Centre for Disabilities in Yarmook, Baghdad. The event included the free distribution of new wheelchairs, walking cruches, envelopes of donations and gifts to the needy and impoverished. Transportation to and from the event was also provided as well as free consultation with our medical professional team for those who need further treatment and aid. In addition to providing medical aid, we aimed at making the event as entertaining as possible for our guests and children, many of which have never been to such an outing in the capital.
The event was kicked off with the recitation of the Holy Quran by the beautiful voice of our team member Mohamed to bless the event. This was followed by the singing of the National Anthem by our ICARE Iraq team lead by the voice of our member Furqan. A screening of the short film Messi Baghdad was followed by an appearance of two Iraqi paralympian champions (Adnan Adnan and Qahtan Adnan). Our musicians and volunteers performed a song by the renowned Sami Yusuf, the lyrics of which focus on healing of wounds and prayers of hope. A short interval and food and drink for the guests followed whilst they wandered around our Art for Aid exhibit. Art for Aid is a project run by ICARE volunteers in which works of Art are donated for charity auctions.
Everyone at ICARE would like to give a huge thanks to our team of volunteers for making this event possible. They all work effortlessly and tirelessly without any compensation simply for the sake of doing good and bringing smiles upon our children's faces. We would also like to thank Baghdad Al karakh Health Directorate and in particular its general manager Dr. Jaleel Al Shamry, The Minisitry of Environment and Minister Sarkoon Lazahar and general manager Isaa Al Fayath. And Icop technology limited with special thanks to their director Mr. Noor Al Sawedee.

Iraq's Paralympian Champion makes a special appearance to inspire and educate attendees at ICARE's event for Special Needs Children: Distributing wheelchairs.

"The power of "WE" is the understanding that a piece of string will
never be as strong as a piece of rope made up of many strings.
By working together we can create change. If you substitute I for WE,
ICARE becomes WE Care and Illness becomes WEllness".​